a book "Carpenters" in Japanese

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Hi everyone!

I received the book "Carpenters KAWADE -Yume-Mook Bungei-Bessatsu Soutokusyuu" today. It is written in Japanese.

[email protected]


You click on three letters (the 2nd white triangle in the 1st row) and you see the page of new books. If you find seven letters (you may see that the 2nd and 6th are "-") followed by "1,143 yen A5 2003.05.22"(there are 2 '1,143 A5 2003.05.22'. "Carpenters" is the 2nd), click on seven letters and you will see the cover page photo. I hope you can see it. Karen has an orange sweater and a jacket of an orange check pattern on, and is smiling. Richard has a white sweater on.


You click on left pale yellow open-shaped book. You will be on search page.


You input "97652" between "ISBN 4-309-" and "-0", and click on left pale black box under "97652". On the next page you click on the letters(Carpneters in Japanese) between a red circle and "A5". I hope you can see the cover photo this time.

There are only 8 pages in color. I have seen four color photo somewhere, and I saw others for the first time. One is from 1971 summer, one from Make Your Own Kind Of Music, one from 1976 London (Karen in her famous lead sister T-shirts), one from "24-Hour TV" of 1981(Karen is smiling in a yellow outfit which is perhaps the same one as People Magazine February 21, 1983, but she is more beautiful than People.) one is Richard in 1987. One is "Tribune TV week" cover page. It is on "Series Statistics" of "Make Your Own Kind Of Music" site.

There are some photos. For example, a photo of Richard in 1997, a wedding photo, Karen with a heart-shaped pendant and Karen & Richard on stage are not in color. There are photos of LP(original and some best LP).

Richard Carpenter Talks About The Music
PART 1 Fascination
PART 2 Biography
PART 3 Who's Who
PART 4 Discography,etc.

'Richard Carpenter Talks About The Music' is from "MOJO" Magazine, April 1996.
Do you know where I can read in English?

I may make another topic later.

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