My comments pertain to 2009 post started by Harry entitled Classic AOTW Sergio Mendes & Brasil 66 Look Around. Steve contributed that Like a Lover had recording sessions of 10/7/67 and 10/17/67. Wow! Here it is exactly 50 years later to the very month when my favorite of all Brasil 66 tracks was recorded. I have a lot of sentimental feelings associated with this song. I'll simply repeat what I posted in 2009: "From the opening Bossa Nova guitar chords of John Pisano, to the smooth as silk vocal styling of Lani Hall, to the vocal counterpoint of Mendes, Matthews, and Soares, with Dick Hazard's shimmering strings, composed by the brilliant lyricists the Bergmans, and an unforgettable melody by Dori Caymmi--this is as close as you can get to pop music perfection."