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"Blackbird" from "I feel you" hits radio

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This morning, I received a new disc from Concord called "jazz vocal sampler". It included the tune "Blackbird" from the new Herb & Lani CD "I feel you".

They really did a nice interpretation of this Lennon & McCartney tune. It's very discordant , with a pulsating march type rhythm behind most of the cut. Also, Herb revisited the long delay effect on his trumpet, reminiscent of his "Beyond" album. Herb sounds great in his improv solo. Lani is fabulous with her strong and dramatic vocals. This is a version of "Blackbird" unlike anything I've ever heard.

What a nice sample of the new CD. I guess when you perform just for the love and passion of music, you really can take chances. Bravo!
They really did a nice interpretation of this Lennon & McCartney tune. It's very disadent,

Jeff, I'm guessing that you perhaps picked or typed the wrong word here. "Dissadent" is someone who is anti- a particular political establishment, and I have difficulty believing that you intended to use that word to describe the song.

Perhaps you meant "discordant", going against typical western chord structure?

I don't mean to pick on your choice of words, but as this is the absolute first word on the subject of Herb and Lani's new album, I wanted it to be clear.

Thanks, Harry. I guess I am just a product of the California public education system. I made the change in my original post. You are correct. The word I was looking for was "discordant"
The words "dissonent" (adj) or "dissonance" (n) may even better describe it. It is a musical term for a mingling of two or more discordant sounds or a clashing or unresolved musical interval or chord, marked by dissonance or unresolved harmony.

--Mr bill
also a product of the Los Angeles School system but from the days before Jerry Brown's policies dropped California's public education system from the top five to the low 30s. At least he won't be able to drop it as far this time -- going from 48 to 50 is merely a drop of two places! I weep for my state.
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