• Our Album of the Week features will return next week.

Sergio Mendes Video Contest

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A contest right up my alley... with the end date so close, I wonder if I can muster enough time to whip something up?

--Mr Bill
Help celebrate the upcoming release of Sergio's new CD, "BOM TEMPO, by viewing a video I created for the track, "Emorio." This project is my entry for the Sergio Mendes "BOM TEMPO" video contest and I need your help by getting over 1,000 views (hits).

Here is your link: http://www.vimeo.com/10421253

Thanks and enjoy!
We're up to 112 hits already - in less than two full days! Thanks and pass on the link to all your friends.
I don't want to watch it until the album comes out because I want to hear the whole thing at once! but I might be sorely tempted to make an exception....
"Emorio" was never a favorite cut of mine from HOME COOKING, but this cut is fierce. Classic Sergio. And Steve's visuals add to the excitement! I've been replaying it over and over and over...

I know I'm twisting your arm, Mike!! :D
Mike could play the video with the sound turned off. That way Steve's hit-count would go up and Mike wouldn't be denied his full-album experience when it arrives.

Hopefully I'm in the minority, but I found this version of "Emorio" lacking the soul of Lise (Lisa, Leeza--how many ways *does* she spell her name, LOL?) Miller's incredible vocal on the original, especially that little riff on "Emor-Emor-Emorio".
Have to disagree with that, and I can use Sergio's own cover versions as a great example. Loved BS&T's Sometimes in Winter, which I heard a good year before Sergio covered it, still do, but rate B66's version as my fave. Loved all the Beatles originals, but still rate B66's FOTH and Norwegian Wood as my faves. The list goes on and on.... :)
Maybe my theory only works for non-musicians such as myself! Been sitting here for a while mulling this over, and I can't think of any songs where I heard one version, then later heard another version (even an
original) and thought it was better.

I totally agree with you on the Sergio songs you mentioned -- they all kick the originals' butts.
I just came across this scenario this week. Sitting in a restaurant, I heard "Heatwave" - the version by Linda Ronstadt. Incredible as it seems, that's the version I first heard and liked, and considered it definitive, even after finally hearing the big hit Martha & The Vandellas version.

But in this case, my view changed. After thirty years or so of hearing the Martha & The Vandellas version exclusively over and over again on oldies radio, I can now honestly say that the Linda Ronstadt recording now sounded odd, out of place, and certainly no longer definitive. It was still an OK record, but clearly just a "cover" in my mind. That's how it must have sounded to the vast majority back in the '70s when Linda covered the song.

So I guess for many of us it probably goes on a song-by-song, case-by-case basis. As for "Emorio", gee, it's one song where I never really cared for ANY version. The new one is just as good or bad as the old '70s version.

I'm now starting to like the BOM TEMPO version of Emorio. The fact that its first on the disc gives it an advantage.

I know how that goes!

I remember trying to dub Lani's SUN DOWN LADY to CD-R when I first got a CD recorder. I felt like I'd heard the first side of that album 100 times in trying to get that disc perfect. Of course, as soon as I did, the Japanese released it!

Steve Sidoruk said:
Yes, but I played it sooooo much while working on the videos, that I start the CD on track #2! :)

Harry said:
I know how that goes!

Same here! I edited so many Navy videos (probably in the hundreds) to Lee Greenwood's "God Bless The USA" and Kenny Loggins "Dangerzone" that I can no longer stand either song!

--Mr Bill
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