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TJB reissues

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Well-Known Member
I somewhow doubt that we will see reissues of all the TJB albums. I hope I am wrong of course. But I am more hopeful of an album with "new TJB material" based on unfinished recordings as described by Larry Levine.

- greetings from Rome. Italy (usually the north)

Hey Mike,
I am sorry. First of all I did not intend to start a new thread, I was writing from a different computer and something just happened. And I did not mean that I doubted that there would be any TJB reissues, just a small question mark that ALL of them will come out in the end. The announcement of TLB and SOTB being released early next year somehow confirms that doubt. (Why on earth not do it chronologically if every album is going to be rereleased) But as I said: I hope I am mistaken and my real enthusiasm is over a brand new TJB album! That is really something I would never have expected.

greetings from the mild south (Italy, for the moment)

Thing is, if they were only going to release the best-sellers, they'd put out WHIPPED CREAM, GOING PLACES and WHAT NOW MY LOVE. Randy Badazz said they would all be coming out, and I still believe it.

THe only real question mark in the rlease is why are they skipping over Volume 2? Although, it probably was the worst seller in TJB's whole catalog.
Maybe they want to see how the first couple of reissues sell before releasing Volume 2, etc. Seems to make sense from a marketing perspective, although they have received a lot of raves from those awaiting the releases. Hard to tell what they'll do...I'm just glad they're doing anything at all.

Could just be a teaser: see how these sell and get some of the music buying public interested in these titles, then start releasing the others. If the completists (other than us) who don't know about the reissues catch on, they'll probably release the lesser-known titles later.

Just guessing of course. I'm just getting sick and tired of the situation, having the biggest and oldest A&M collector site on the 'net, and get treated like dog doo and have to scrounge for every bit of information on this stuff. If marketing at the label, or Herb's management, had some sense, they'd get the information out to the places that (ahem) trumpet the information the best way possible: word of mouth from dedicated collectors and listeners.

End of rant...hope it gets read. :rolleyes:
If it's a teaser, then I'm doubly surprised they wouldn't pick bigger titles. LONELY BULL is not going to sell what GP or WC or WNML would, nor is SOTB either.

Neil - maybe you ought to fire an email off to Shout Factory. Maybe they don't know about our band of crazies here.

My sentiments exactly. I mean, if you were Herb, wouldn't you want this information ready and available to those who are most apt to purchase the music? Best of all, it would get the "sales" ball rolling.

And, Mike is right. If these sell well, some of the better-known titles are sure to see release. Let's hope so.

I suspect that being a small label they don't have the means to release over a dozen CDs at once. And, yes, Vol 2 was a disappointment in its initial release. It was discontinued and was only brought back into print after the success of SOB and WC&OD, though it did go gold. This is why there are two different back covers. (BAC was the first TJB LP not to go gold). If they do these in "trios" they may actually help one of the poorer sellers by marketing it with a major seller: imagine how Coney Island will do if released with WC&OD and SRO...

--Mr Bill
Mike Blakesley said:
Neil - maybe you ought to fire an email off to Shout Factory. Maybe they don't know about our band of crazies here.

Been there, done that...but I shouldn't have to bust my "donkey" all the time to get table scraps.
Just glad to see it's only three months away!!!! Bring 'em on any order, I don't care, just bring 'em on. BTW ,SOTB being one of the first is just fine with me... It's my favorite... (Already have Lonely Bull, so bring 'em on even quicker!!!)
Well, Randy Badazz did give the first word to the cornerites and I'd bet that Herb knows he did. He also promised Capt. Bacardi that he'd keep us informed. So maybe he's just been busy and we'll hear from him soon. Perhaps he was waiting until he could give us info on some of the other releases as well. As for Volume 2 being skipped for now, it could be any number of reasons. It may require more doctoring than LB or SOTB. Herb may not have done the remastering in chronological order. He may be trying to decide things like should he put the more familiar back cover on the outside and then put the original on the inlay or vice versa. Hope he does one of the two. As for it's popularity, I don't think that has anything to do with it for 2 reasons. 1) VOLUME 2 sold more than BRASS ARE COMIN', WARM, and SUMMERTIME. 2) Often, the more obscure or less popular titles sell better as reissues. V2 always gets a hefty price on eBay. Amazon had a used copy listed a while back for $145. I do believe that it will be released at a later date. In the meantime, as someone said earlier, bring 'em on!

speculatin' and patiently waitin'...
Interesting thought, Bob! They may even just put it with Lonely Bull entirely...

And it would make sense. Content-wise Vol 2 is more an extension of Lobely Bull anyway. And packaging-wise there's nothing really to it. The cover is an art piece, not a photo. Heck, the biggest issue that we yack about is the two different back covers!

Of course, if they are taking this approach based on original sales it means we might have to expect Brass Are Comin' and Summertime to be on one CD and You Smile -- the Song Begins and Coney Island to be on another.

--Mr Bill
NO NO NO! They will all be individually released with original artwork. According to Randy, that was the plan. If anyone has changed Herb's mind, I will come find them!! Blasphemy! Let's all just be patient and leave the two-fers for the flea market crowd. We bought the original albums one at a time and enjoyed them as individual masterpieces. To bundle any of them together, I don't care how, would cheapen the experience. This is a once in a lifetime project for a once in a lifetime collection. Let's treat it that way and leave the K-Tel mentality behind. And, VOLUME 2 is not an "extension" of LONELY BULL, nor is it a bonus package for "SOUTH OF THE BORDER". It is a masterpiece all it's own which shares some characteristics with LONELY BULL. Let's leave it that way.

pausing to take his happy pills...........
Hate to disagree with ya Dave, but VOLUME 2 WAS an extension of THE LONELY BULL. Almost any pop artist tries to do "more of the same" on album #2 when the first album is a major hit. We're lucky VOL 2 tanked, because then Herb might not have gotten more adventurous the way he did on SOTB and beyond.

I do agree that the albums should be released "as was," however.
I don't think they are going to double up the albums. Even if they did I would think that both titles would be mentioned on each disc. Besides, if they were going to combine Lonely Bull and Volume 2, then why would South Of The Border be by itself, when it's only 30 minutes? Would Whipped Cream be added to this? I wouldn't mind some mono mixes of some songs added to each disc, though.

Capt. Bacardi
Since WHIPPED CREAM is probably the most famous today of all the albums, I can't imagine it being paired with anything. That famous cover deserves the full-sized CD treatment (plus preferably an inside booklet with photo outtakes!)
At least it's already been stated that they intend to release the albums individually, so we don't have to worry about them being released as two-fers.
I think that there's some strategy at play here. The real "carrot" in the mix is the rarities album. That's the one I'm going for first...the others are on my list, and I'll get them all; but that rarities album is what is gonna bring people back into the TJB fold again.

If the pattern holds, there will be a big seller offerred with a couple of lesser ones as each new release is announced. If WCAOD and GP were released first, then a lot of interest and momentum would be lost, at least as far as the general public would be concerned.

And as far as any lack of details on a release date is concerned, maybe Randy told us all he could...there might be contractual issues at play...marketing issues, and stuff like that. We don't know just what Shout! Factory policy is regarding promotion. The date might have been up in the air until it was announced. At any rate, we're getting results a lot sooner than any of us really expected, and this the best thing to come down the pike since the Jeep motorized its' windshield wipers.

And, we ALL appreciate everything the "donkey" has done for us...not to do so would really be assenine...

Dan, looking forward to Feb 1 and beyond...
At the risk of being repetitive, bring 'em on...

I already have Lonely Bull and Whipped Cream, but I'm ready for the others...anytime now...
It's great to know that this is really happening. That the TJB catalog(or great parts of it) will be reissued. I am quite confident that the influence from fans and this site must have played a part in convincing Herb Alpert to put this project in motion. He seems to have been reluctant to visit his TJB past earlier and has always been on the move to new projects. Something that I think deserves respect from all of us. On these grounds I think that his return to the "Lost Treasures" project and wanting to recreate the TJB sound now in 2004 is no less than sensational. Anyway, it is certainly something to look forward to.

- greetings from the cool north -

I will say this: BUY THE REISSUES! Even if you already own a few of them. It's our support that keeps artists like Herb and labels like Shout!Factory wanting to release these older albums. :)
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