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"Viramundo" translation


Well-Known Member

Viramundo (Wanderer)​

Composed by Capinan, Gilberto Gil

Sou viramundo virado
Nas rondas da maravilha
Cortando a faca e facão
Os desatinos da vida
Gritando para assustar
A coragem da inimiga
Pulando pra não ser preso
Pelas cadeias da intriga
Prefiro ter toda a vida
A vida como inimiga
A ter na morte da vida
Minha sorte decidida

Sou viramundo virado
Pelo mundo do sertão
Mas inda viro este mundo
Em festa, trabalho e pão
Virado será o mundo
E viramundo verão
O virador deste mundo
Astuto, mau e ladrão
Ser virado pelo mundo
Que virou com certidão
Ainda viro este mundo
Em festa, trabalho e pão


I'm a wanderer
Turned inside out by the turns of wonderfulness
Cutting with knives and machetes
The confusions of life

Screaming to frighten
My enemy's bravery
Jumping not to be locked down
In the jails of intrigue

I'd rather have all my life
Life as an enemy
Than have in my death
My luck decided

I'm a wanderer
Turned inside out by the backlands
But someday I'll turn this world
Into celebration, labor and food

The world will be turned inside out
And they'll see this wanderer
Who turned this world inside out
So clever, evil and stealthy
Be turned inside out by the world
Which he turned with so much precision
Someday I'll turn this world
Into celebration, labor and food

I'm a wanderer
Turned inside out by the turns of wonderfulness
Cutting with knives and machetes
The confusions of life

Screaming to frighten
My enemy's bravery
Jumping not to be locked down
In the jails of intrigue

I'd rather have all my life
Life as an enemy
Than have in my death
My luck decided

I'm a wanderer
Turned inside out by the backlands
But someday I'll turn this world
Into celebration, labor and food

The world will be turned inside out
And they'll see this wanderer
Who turned this world inside out
So clever, evil and stealthy
Be turned inside out by the world
Which he turned with so much precision
Someday I'll turn this world
Into celebration, labor and food


Thanks to all the forum members who contributed explanations and interpretations of my last two posts of Brasil '66/77 translations. In contrast to the romantic tenor of "Viola" (who would have guessed its real subject?) "Viramundo"'s pulsating rhythm and Lani's haunting vocals fit the urgent political theme of the song perfectly.
It's amazing how so many Brazilian protest songs with hard edged lyrics in the mid to late 1960s could have such beautiful melodies! The best love songs have lovely melodies, but for protest songs as well--truly incredible. Credit those amazingly creative Brazilian composers.
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