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Who really wrote "Acapulco 1922"?

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Can anyone clear up the confusion about "Acapulco 1922"? The original 45 listed "Eldon Allen" as the writer (who is that?), the original LP said "Alpert" was the writer, and sheet music said the song was written by DAVE Alpert (Herb's brother?). Also, was "Ride Ride Ride" another name for this song? Some sources listed this as an alternate B-side to the original "Lonely Bull" 45. I'm sure there are a lot of guesses, but if anyone knows the true answers to these questions, please share it. Thanks!
Eldon was Dave's "nom de tune," or musical pen name. I have been looking for many years and have never seen a Herb Alpert record with Ride, Ride, Ride on it. What I did see, while searching at a record show, was a Lynn Anderson track by that title. I have a feeling that somehow, in someone's database or in some listing in a book, that tune somehow got attributed to Herb. A-N-D, A-L-P, who knows???
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