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Well-Known Member
I used to visit her Carpenters site all of the time...had updates, etc. I looked recently and it hasn't been updated in a while..... Does anyone know anything about her and if she still keeps track of Carpenters info??
Yuka Ogura, as she was known when last we heard from her, hasn't been seen around these parts since early 2008. I have no idea what she's up to, although I recall when last I communicated with her, she seemed to be taking trips to Iceland.

Perhaps if she can log in and happens to check this thread (I'll fix the title), she might let us know.

Hi Guy, I was informed that my whereabouts was a subject here....

So sorry I have not updated my website for such a long time. There is no news expect a whole bunch of re-issues from Japan. And after sticking with Carpenters as long as I can remember, my new found love is music from Iceland and that is since 2003.

Actually when I visited Karen last which I belive was 2003, I informed her that I would be concentrating my time on Icelandic music and I would very much like her blessing which Karen certainly responded in the way I can only tell. Really, she has done it when I created the Mook.....It is a bit spooky but it is true.

I am not necessary keeping a good track on Carpenters, but if something is related to Carpenters or some kind of good Carpenters releases take place, I am pretty much informed. Often times I have something to do with them. Like it was in 2008 or 2009, Richard actually visited Japan. I was asked to appear on a TV show with him. Unfortunately, that was when I had to be in Iceland and I had to decline such offer.... I always talk about it on Japanese mailing list and probably I neglected updating them on my website in English.

If you wonder what's up about me, looked me up on Facebook.

 * I had an account here but it was too long ago, I do not remember login name etc. So I had to create a new account.

And there you have it- straight from Yuka herself! Thanks for stopping by, Yuka.

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