I Know My First Name Is Stephen
how did the girl who sang a rough TTR and a hard EVE all of a sudden become the girl who could sing those clear, powerful, gorgeously rich opening verses of WOJB?
This is a really, really great question and one that I’ve thought about for a long time. There is a world of difference between ‘Someday’ and ‘We’ve Only Just Begun’.
Consider the timeline:
- ‘Offering’ was released in April 1969, meaning that the tracks were recorded around January-March 1969.
- The track for ‘Begun’ was laid down (I believe) in early 1970.
The difference in those 12 months is astounding. Nobody has ever documented - or been able to explain - why that happened. Not even Richard. In 1969, Karen still sounded very tomboy-ish and ‘rough around the edges’ on a lot of ‘Offering’. By early 1971, they were beating the Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel and collecting Grammy Awards.
Answers on a postcard please…
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