• Our Album of the Week features will return next week.


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¡Que siga la fiesta!
Staff member
Site Admin
If everyone hasn't heard by now, our good friend and compadré Mr Bill is departing for the high seas within the next day. This is my own official "send-off", with all the best wishes for a holiday (unfortunately) away from home, and safe travel to his ultimate destination.

For security reasons, obviously, he may not be able to post to our forum or even e-mail his whereabouts to anyone...but I'll pass along any messages or photos that come my way.

Gonna miss the e-mails and IM chats, dude! :D Take care, keep in touch, and don't drink the water. :wink:
Farewell Mr. Bill. We'll look forward to your swift return.

Bon voyage and Godspeed, Mr. Bill...vaya con Dios.

Dan, getting ready to feed another bunch of reserves this weekend...
Once again we seem to be subtly reminded of the sacrifices of the military in our defense. Thank you for all that you do, Mr. Bill. I will keep you and your compatriots in my prayers, with the hope your deployment will be short and uneventful!!

The holidays will be empty without you, but you will be in our thoughts always.

May you sail on calm waters and may your journey return you to us in safety.

Feliz Navidad......

I forgot to mention that plans are for Mr Bill's return in June, next year. Maybe he'll need to send us another Colonel Sanders photo so we remember what he looks like. :wink:
Godspeed Bill, stay safe! Take the A&M Corner with you!
We still have that meeting at Bob's Big Boy when you get back!
Glad you are watching the country- Thank You,
Take care, buddy! Hope you'll be back soon. And remember, those camels are for riding into town, not - well, you know... :D

Capt. Bacardi
...recalling a dirty joke online... :wink:
Take care, check in when you can, and again, thanks for defending freedom. The job you and your colleagues perform goes a long way toward making the life of comparative luxury the rest of us enjoy possible. We look forward to your safe return.
NP: Lee Michaels BARRELL (SP 4249) "When Johnny Comes Marching Home"
Bon Voyage my little "Sailor Boy" I will be thinking about you, and as always I wish you a safe trip and a speedy return to your family and your friends here at the corner. Wishing happy holidays to you and your shipmates, thank you for being there for us.
GO NAVY! :usflag:
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