• Our Album of the Week features will return next week.

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Well-Known Member
Funny thing,

Ever since I can remember, I've made frequent trips to music stores. Clear back to 8-trax and "vinyl". Upon my visit, I faithfully re-arrange the CarpenterS records to provide the optimal sales display. Now with GOLD I'm at it again. I move Mary C. Carpenter down to Bing Crosby, Irene Cara over to Crosby S's and Nash, and somehow Mariah Carey just gets LOST in the shuffle. Poor Diva. This effort then features the dynamic duo prominently and in their rightful place. According to obssessive me anyway. Does anyone else at the CORNER engage in such practices? If not, try it. I find it to be a most satisfying venture.

Boosting awareness,

Jeff, that is so hilarious and great! :D I've never gone as far as re-arranging entire groups of artists' sections ( I love it ), but I've moved Carpenters albums to the front many times. I've heard of other fans doing this as well. It IS great to walk away and see them prominantly displayed isn't it? :) Keep up the good work.
Uh, Guilty :!:

Everytime I see a set of Carpenters CDs I always move them to the front. I always place them in order chronologically.
My friends absolutely refuse to go into a music store with me because they know that I will spread out all in-stock K&R titles, covering all the "C" and sometimes "D" artists.
Glad to hear that you guys are right there with me :cheers:

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