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33rd Anniversary of Karen's Death (2/4/83)

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Remembering Karen with you all today. It's hard to believe it has been so long since she's been gone, but it's great to know that we still celebrate her and the recordings that we'll treasure our entire lives.

I'd like to add to what I wrote here.

Today is not just a day of mourning for us all, but I think it should be a day to celebrate the life of a special person: a funny and talented person. It's incredible to me that this sweet lady, this wonderful songstress, this person that I have never met has touched my life in the way that she has. Touched all of our lives, really, with a voice that defeats all trouble and sadness in this world. And to me, she's not lost her fight -- no, she's a martyr for her cause. Without her, eating disorders might never have reached the understanding they do today. She saved so many lives, and for that, she's a champion. A hero in ways she unfortunately could not see manifest. Karen, if I could speak to you at this moment in time, all I'd really have to say is... thank you.
Remembering Karen with you all today. It's hard to believe it has been so long since she's been gone, but it's great to know that we still celebrate her and the recordings that we'll treasure our entire lives.

Chris, I certainly agree with your sentiments, as I do with the others given here. Further, thank you for this amazing, beautiful, stunning graphic you have created! :)
Chris, I certainly agree with your sentiments, as I do with the others given here. Further, thank you for this amazing, beautiful, stunning graphic you have created! :)
Totally agree, James... Beautiful portrait and a beautiful way to remember Karen on such an important date.

And yes - wow - we have now eclipsed her time here on this earth.
Amazing - - but even more amazing is that we all know her impact and legacy will be with us and the world forever.
Thanks, friends! Glad you like the photo/collage. So happy to share in the love for Karen and the Carpenters. I know that she, Richard, and their sound are precious and personal to each of us.
Mark, that's a nice piece on your blog. Those opening lines that you quoted from "Yesterday Once More" are more touching than ever as the years pass. Still my favorite song. So bittersweet, nostalgic, and simply gorgeous.
Chris, I gotta admit, I've gotten choked up a couple of times over the last several weeks as I listen to her sing. Even my least favorite albums are more appreciated as the years roll on. I'm sure many of us are having "moments", judged by all the tributes written on this thread.
I can only add what an honor it is to have an association---here, this forum---with
kindred souls who continue to remember--and, to honor and cherish--
Karen Carpenter on this day.
She is most certainly smiling from above.
Thanks to all who pour their heart and soul into keeping the flame afire.

Two lengthy articles,including photos, from news organizations have been posted today:
The New York Daily News is running their original article from 1983 .(nydailynews.com)
The UK Telegraph is running an article from 1996.(telegraph.co.uk)
Enjoying and appreciating the heartfelt postings and comments in remembrance of Karen. I have posted the following article ("When Carpenters Were on Top of the World -- of Music") on my Splashing Rocks blog, focusing this year on documenting that during the period 1973-75, the Carpenters were very probably the most successful recording artists in the world -- especially taking into account their success in the most prominent international markets. Splashing Rocks: WHEN CARPENTERS WERE ON TOP OF THE WORLD -- OF MUSIC (http://splashingrocks.blogspot.com/2016/02/when-carpenters-were-on-top-of-world-of.html). It reflects historical charts data from Oricon, Inc., demonstrating the Carpenters amazing success in the No. 2 Japanese market at the peak of their career.
Chris, I gotta admit, I've gotten choked up a couple of times over the last several weeks as I listen to her sing. Even my least favorite albums are more appreciated as the years roll on. I'm sure many of us are having "moments", judged by all the tributes written on this thread.

Don't be too hard on yourself. Whilst I find Karen's story utterly heart-breaking, I don't tend to shed tears as I'd rather do what I did today which was to put a CD in the car stereo and sing along at maximum volume...badly!

I can only add what an honor it is to have an association---here, this forum---with
kindred souls who continue to remember--and, to honor and cherish--
Karen Carpenter on this day.
She is most certainly smiling from above.
Thanks to all who pour their heart and soul into keeping the flame afire.

Two lengthy articles,including photos, from news organizations have been posted today:
The New York Daily News is running their original article from 1983 .(nydailynews.com)
The UK Telegraph is running an article from 1996.(telegraph.co.uk)

The day singer Karen Carpenter died in 1983 (http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/music/day-singer-karen-carpenter-died-anorexia-1983-article-1.2520407)

Karen Carpenter and the mystery of the missing album (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/music/artists/karen-carpenter-and-the-mystery-of-the-missing-album/)
Here's an ironic little side-bar... I went running today at lunch... Mind you - I have over 700 songs on my iphone with dozens and dozens of artists... And really, only about 50 are Carpenters songs... But right when I turned the corner to come back home, beautiful blue sky, sun streaming in my eyes - I've Got Rhythm came on my shuffle... I stopped for a second, and thought 'if Karen would still be around, I bet she'd be crooning more of the same kind of songs..'. so I kept running, and was glad I got to hear Karen, by accident, on this day - almost exactly 33 years from the moment I heard the news... Then - the very next song, on shuffle, was 'Now'. I stopped right in my tracks. The same artist never pops up two times in a row... So - I took the coincidence as a lovely sign that KC was smiling down from above.... Then - the next song was A Christmas Song... again, Karen's version. I was smiling at the irony, and I know people driving by must have thought I had lost my mind... but - - it was sweet and lovely - and I had nobody else to share my little story with but you guys and gals... So - even though it's February 4, to kids from 1 to 92, although it's been said many times, many ways, Merry Christmas to you! :)
I was smiling at the irony, and I know people driving by must have thought I had lost my mind... but - - it was sweet and lovely - and I had nobody else to share my little story with but you guys and gals..
You'll be interested to know I had an interesting moment today too. As soon as I finished my forum writing of my "thank you" to Karen this morning, I walked outside to get in the car and go to class. My mother was outside and pointed out a cardinal on the telephone wire in front of our house. In all her wisdom, she said, "You know, I heard that if you see a cardinal it means an angel is nearby". And this cardinal was singing. I stood there and listened to its song.
When Karen died, a little bit of me had died with her. I haven't felt this kind of lost since my grandmother died a few years earlier.

It was a time when my rediscovery of the Carpenters was in full swing (the single "Touch Me When We're Dancing" , then eventually bought the "Made In America" album reignited my interest in them).

I know this is kind of off topic, but another of my favorite recording entertainer also died today. His name is Maurice White, founder of the supergroup "Earth, Wind & Fire". Both of these individuals were and I guest still are, was the greatest musical inspirations of my life.

God bless them, both.

I recently spoke to my mom to let her know how she was in the room with me when I heard about Karen's passing and how it took all of my strength to not break down and cry in front of her. The only words I was able to mutter was, "Oh no, I loved her". Over the years I have tried to focus on good things, like how much she has helped people with eating disorders. Or how stunning albums like "An Old Fashioned Christmas" may have never been created and released otherwise. But most importantly, I think Karen would like to be remembered for the happiness she brought to the world and not sadness. In that spirit, I use this day to celebrate her life and to remind anyone who will listen how Karen and Richard has made the world a better place to live.
I was a junior in a catholic high school when I first heard the news that Karen had passed. It was on a Friday afternoon (EST). They actually mentioned it during the daily lunchtime PA announcements. I remember my Mother being very surprised about it when I got home from school. Hard to believe it was 33 years ago.

I'm very glad there are people out there who appreciate Karen's legacy as much as I do.
Remembering Karen with you all today. It's hard to believe it has been so long since she's been gone, but it's great to know that we still celebrate her and the recordings that we'll treasure our entire lives.

Hi Chris, I love the new photo you made, it's beautiful. I saw it this week on my phone but you really don't get the whole beauty until you see it on your large home computer screen. I love the added touch you did with the Yesterday Once More photo on Karen's lapel jacket. I had not noticed that on my phone, very cool. I hope you don't mind that I saved this to my Carpenters folder.
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