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Promoting the new releases

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mike white

New Member
I was talking to a few people at work about the reissues and they asked me if there had been or will be any advertising for these at all. I told them I wouldn't even had known about the reissues if it wasn't for this website. I wonder if Herb will do some interviews on Leno or Larry King to promote these. There has to be some marketing to promote this somehow. On a side note, I can't wait until Feb 8th. :D
I'm doing all I can here to (bad pun) trumpet their release. :D I'm just hoping there is some kind of promotional material being given to brick and mortar stores. Every little bit will help!
I've seen diddly squat so far. Not a mention in the trade mag we get from our distributor, AND while the records are now listed on the ordering website, they still don't even have the cover images or the sample tracks.

Having said that -- these releases aren't going to be about "first week" sales like all the new music is. These will be ongoing sellers as people discover them. The hardest part is getting the discovery going....
I believe I've mentioned this before, but my 22-year-old niece is crazy about the Tijuana Brass. So is her 16-year-old brother, a musician who appreciates good music when he hears it. That said, I hope the new releases appeal to a broad spectrum of consumers.

Let's hope they are marketed and promoted in such a way that all ages have some kind of exposure to the fact that they're out there. Granted, the majority of buyers will, of course, be fans from the old days, but I'm sure he's going to pick up a few (like my niece and nephew) along the way, too.


...counting the days...
ok i've just sent my reviews of the new releases to my gods & godesses groups at yahoo. a lot of the 800 or so members are excited about my reviews. many probably will snap them up now at regular prices. did my buying the promos do any good after all?
I just got the new Collectors' Choice catalog. While Elvis is on the cover, the very first entry in the catalog on page 3 are the new Herb Alpert releases from Shout! Factory, boldly trumpeting the new releases.

Gee, I wonder if we'll see ads for any of these in the Sunday newspapers? Probably not.

Harry said:
I just got the new Collectors' Choice catalog. While Elvis is on the cover, the very first entry in the catalog on page 3 are the new Herb Alpert releases from Shout! Factory, boldly trumpeting the new releases.

There are actually 3 different covers for the Collector's Choice catalog. I delivered them yesterday, and Herb is on one of those covers! The photo looks like an ad from one of the old TV Specials of the 60's, with him and his trumpet with a dark background and theatre lights above.

Capt. Bacardi
I just got the new trade mag from our CD distributor. Other than the listings under New Releases, there is no TJB promotion at all. Sheeze.

I still think they may promote these a little heavier when they have more of the CDs out in stores.
Well, I would like to think, maybe the record stores should at least have a cardboard stand-up "display" of some sort...

Surely this 'reissue program', should mean enough to "some" buyers who are glad to see Herb "back"...

Just shoving them in a bin full of whatever out-of-print remnants are left, filed under HERB ALPERT, wouldn't do...

I would like to buy the series, the way I would in "back in the good old days", myself... Anxiously driving home to place them--well in my CD Player, as opposed to on my turntable... But, yeah, that's another topic; we'll see...! :)

Captain Bacardi said:
There are actually 3 different covers for the Collector's Choice catalog. I delivered them yesterday, and Herb is on one of those covers! The photo looks like an ad from one of the old TV Specials of the 60's, with him and his trumpet with a dark background and theatre lights above.

So, naturally, I'd get the Elvis cover!


...now a little ticked off at Collectors' Choice, online... :mad:
Gentlemen (and ladies although I don't see many hereabouts) -

At radio six international, we're doing our bit with a "special" scheduled for Feb 24th at 0105UTC (So that will be Feb 23rd at 8.05pm Eastern). HERB ALPERT SPECIAL will include tracks from the three new albums, as well as music from some of the artistes whose careers were developed by A&M. (The format for the show was suggested to me by Randy).

Pass by and listen is you can - www.radiosix.com to hear the webstream or 5,105kHz on the wireless.
Well aside from hoping there may be a few TV & Radio performances / interviews .....looking forward too any small scale LIVE appeareances for later in 2005....:cool:

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