• Our Album of the Week features will return next week.


In radio six international's SEQUENT SOUNDS tomorrow, you can catch two exclusive new tracks from the upcoming Herb Alpert disc "Music vol.1" due for release on July 28th. We're playing these only on radio six international on Thursday 8th June - the first at 0800 GMT (3am Eastern) at the very start of the show, and the second at 1855 GMT (1.55pm Eastern) at the very end of the sequence. Catch these exclusive previews ONLY on radio six international!!
I thought that cover was reminding me of something...


I recorded a radio interview with Herb last night for transmission when the album comes out (we also talk about "A Christmas Wish" and volumes 2 and 3 by the way) , and I have to confess I have heard the whole disc. I'm pretty sure that most of you here will absolutely love it!! It's certainly the happiest and most joyful album for a very long time.
Waiting for a hi-res announcement...and hoping it's better than the 24/44.1 the last album was released as!
I won't be able to get mine until payday next week but what I've heard released so far it's going to be another Excellent album I look forward to it
Just received my copy of the new "record", though I bought two (one went to my brother, who got it earlier today; strange since I live close to am Amazon distribution center and he is no where near one . I was a bit jealous, lmao, and I bought it for him!).

Just stated listening. Liking what I hear so far. Not quite sure why but it's reminding me a bit of "Coney Island". Liking this much more than "Human Nature" (the last three tracks on that record were only of appeal). Has a certainly New Orleansy jazz (allow me to coin a term) feel to it.
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