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A visit to Karen's new resting place...a report.

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Well-Known Member
On Saturday, I happened to be traveling on the 101 through Thousand Oaks and stopped by the Cemetary on Lindero Canyon Road (Pierce Bros.) to see if I could find Karen, Harold, and Agnes. And I did!

I must say, I was both impressed and yet saddened at the same time. It is a very nice family crypt. It stands alone on nearly the highest point in the cemetary. It is in a new mosoleum that says CARPENTER across the top (that's how I found it). It is basically its own "house" with a glass door (locked) but it is REALLY humble. Not nearly as ornate as the Forest Lawn site. It has a nice tree and sitting area in front.

What is surprising, is that it only holds six. I thought Richard would have purchased something larger considerng the size of his family. You can't get in, and even if you could, it's real tight. Karen, Harold, and Agnes all rest on the right (Karen on top) and there are three empty crypts on the left. That's it. It is very humble. Also, other than CARPENTER across the top, no names are on the crypts. It DOES say "A Star on Earth, A Star in Heaven" and that's it for Karen. Her name is not on it anywhere. Same with Harold and Agnes. Just the dates and the dedication. Also, they are "etched" in the stone. No fancy raised gold letters like at Forest Lawn.

Although I was happy to find it, It was real sad, too. I thought to myself, "gee, unless you were looking for it (as I was) you would never know what great people rest in there: That THE Karen Carpenter, who brought happiness to millions, is in there without her name on the marble." I don't know if names will be added later or not.

Anyway, to find it, enter the cemetary and go straight in (it's a small cemetary, too). Look to your left as you get to the big mosuleum at the end of the road. You will se a smal house-shaped mosuleum with a tree in front. CARPENTER is written prominantly on it (the mosuleum, not the tree).

Anyone else been there yet?
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