Carpenters Christmas Song 3" CD Single

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Rick-An Ordinary Fool

Well-Known Member
Here are captures I took of my 3" Cd Single, the Cd is a Christmas green with snowflakes. If you look closely at printing on both the cover and Cd, the word Chirstmas, however the inside cover is correctly spelled. Inside are the words to the Christmas Song.

It has the date 1995. Are these still in print?




I first purchased this disc in Fukuoka, Japan when I was 19 while directing a musical tour there (in '96).

If I'm not mistaken, wasn't this taken straight off of the Christmas Portrait master? Meaning, I think the tail end of "White Christmas" crossfades into the beginning of the interlude into "Ave Maria" by the end of the fade-out. It was just thrown together (rather sloppily IMHO) for the release.

To my knowledge, they are no longer in print. However, they *do* pop up on eBay from time
to time. -Chris
Yes it does crossfade as you noted, you get the begining of Ave Maria and then drops off, I always thought that was weird for a single cd, more appropriate for the LP or complete Cd.
I have bought several copies. I bought last copy this June. It's hard to find this now.

A&M in Japan doesn't seem to correct misprints. LP or box set, as well.
When another label made a mistake on name of artist on re-release, fans who already had the original copy even bought the copy before the company started to collect them.
Carpenters fans didn't have to hurry.

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