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Carpenters T-Shirt

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Well-Known Member
Hi everyone! Yesterday, I was in Manchester, U.K. and saw a young guy about 25 wearing a cool T-shirt with the Carpenters Logo and pic of K&R. Surrounding the photo and logo and all over the sleeves and back were barely visible words, like "Smoke" "Love", "Drink", "Freedom",...and the shirt was new. I asked him where he got it - he didn't remember, but says he gets a lot of compliments on it and wears it a lot when he goes out (this was in the gay village of Manchester.) So, back home today (I'm a flight attendant) I've been searching the web for this shirt. Can't find it. Does anyone know anything about a shirt like this? It's DEFINATLEY NOT from the '70's. And I highly doubt it is 'authorized'. No matter, I want one anyway! I did find one shop online (FashionPunk.com) that sells CARPENTERS T-Shirts (Red, only with Logo and silk screen photo) so, of course, I had to order one of those. But I had to laugh and think it was kind of cool that this guy was wearing a 'new' Carpenters shirt! And that a website like "FashionPunk" sells Carpenters shirts?? Ok!! So I guess, now, they are truly 'hip'.!
I have one too, a blue one from a shop in Newcastle. It's nothing like the fashionpunk.com one, it's got the official logo emblazoned across the chest and a full pic of K&R underneath. It's my pride and joy, well that and my 'Drummer Who Sang' T-shirt :love:

Send me a PM if you want the name and telephone number of the store.

C's logo related story...

I was in Malmo Sweden in April. While walking in the shopping district, I noticed a young woman wearing a sweater that said "The Characters" on it. The logo was large and written exactly like the C's logo.

I was with a few people from work, so I could not stop to ask her what that logo meant. I regret not asking!
I'm now the proud owner of a Carpenters T-shirt after stumbling across the following: http://www.tshirtgrill.com/The-Carpenters-Logo-t-shirt-details.aspx?ID=21351

Got tickets for Wimbledon this summer and I'm wondering whether the T-shirt would be enough to catch the interest of the cameras (I think my sombrero would annoy the spectators behind me, face painting too messy and a "Hi Mum" sign isn't all that original). Probably the most expensive T-shirt I've ever bought, but there we go.
They are currently on Ebay for 1/2 the price. It's almost $31.00 to order the shirt for delivery in the states. But keep in mind, I am sure these are all unauthorized.
I have one too, a blue one from a shop in Newcastle. It's nothing like the fashionpunk.com one, it's got the official logo emblazoned across the chest and a full pic of K&R underneath. It's my pride and joy, well that and my 'Drummer Who Sang' T-shirt :love:

Send me a PM if you want the name and telephone number of the store.

can you shoot a pic and post? would love to see them! :)
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