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Thanks for the Memory

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Thanks for the Memory


Well-Known Member
The splendid Herb Alpert arrangement for "Thanks for the Memory" popped up in my mind. How well I remember this song performed by Les Brown & His Band of Renown, as the theme song for the Bob Hope comedy specials. I like the way Herb shows interest and respect for songs from the 1930s and 40s. Off the top of my head, others include "Five Minutes More", "Getting Sentimental Over You," and "Tangerine."

Here's the mono mix from LP-146, A&M's last stock mono album. I think it has a tiny bit more reverb than the stereo mix.

I can play this on my trumpets and Herbs version is my favorite I heard it long before I heard bob hope's version
All I think of when I hear this song is Bob Hope. Herb's version is interesting, but in all honesty, after seeing Bob Hope specials in the 70s and 80s, it's Hope that I'll always remember when I hear "Thanks". Even when I heard The Brass' version, Hope came into my mind.
All I think of when I hear this song is Bob Hope. Herb's version is interesting, but in all honesty, after seeing Bob Hope specials in the 70s and 80s, it's Hope that I'll always remember when I hear "Thanks". Even when I heard The Brass' version, Hope came into my mind.
Me too I did grow up watching those Bob Hope Specials in that time although I didn't always hear Thanks for the memory in them but still the song is Known as his signature and Herb gave a fitting tribute in his own way
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