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Ticket to Ride CD

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Well-Known Member
Just got the copy of the remastered disc.
Hadnt listened to the album in awhile.
I was amazed how much I enjoyed it!
That "rediscovery" thing ever happen with anyone else here?

Rediscoveries happen all the time to me. With a large record and CD collection, I just can't possibly listen to all of them, consequentially albums/songs fall by the wayside and don't get played. It's nice though when a trigger brings back something great that I'd been ignoring, and usually that trigger is a mention of a song or album on an online forum like this one.

Our recent discussion on the 20th Century Masters albums had me playing Swing Out Sister yesterday, and it had been over a year since I heard any of that stuff.

As for TICKET TO RIDE, since it's one of my favorites, it often gets its regular turn in my normal playing cycles. Great album.

NP: "You On My Mind"- Swing Out Sister
Like Harry, I have a vast collection of CDs and LPs, so there is inevitably stuff that doesn't get played for years at a time. I can't say I've ever "rediscovered" the Carpenters, since their music is never far from my stereo, computer or car, but I rediscover other artists all the time, it seems!

One project that has led to some major rediscovering is my attempt to convert a large portion of my collection to MP3s. I have a CD player in my car that plays MP3 discs, as well as a CD/MP3 walkman, so I like being able to pop a disc in and listen for 6 hours (I don't use much compression when I convert MP3s, so I can't get more than about 100 songs on a disc).

Doing this conversion to MP3 has gotten me to listen to some stuff that I hadn't heard in a while, and it's been quite a joy to remember what I liked about these artists. This week it's been Dougie MacLean, a Scottish singer/songwriter. For a couple of weeks I was working on my Beach Boys collection. Before that I went through the entire Anne Murray catalog.

Eventually what I'd like to have is a collection of MP3 discs containing the "best" of just about every recording in my collection. I can put those discs in my 400-CD jukebox (that plays MP3 discs), and then let it play randomly, so that I'm always surprised to hear something I haven't heard for a while.

Funny, Harry -- Swing Out Sister was actually one of the groups I was considering for near-future MP3 conversion. They've been harder to keep up with in recent years, since much of their recent stuff hasn't been released in the U.S., but I think I've managed to get most of the Japanese releases... goodness knows I order enough stuff from Japan!

I always thought that Richard Carpenter would produce an amazing Swing Out Sister CD.
And what a smash it would be in Japan where both are beloved.
Actually funny you should mention that I have been rediscovering the Offering CD lately mine is the original master not remixed but I am falling in love with Karens early voice all over again. What a gret listen Offering is. :love: :D
I remember when I rediscovered the song "Eve." I had heard it when I first heard the album, but then one time it just sort of popped into my mind for no reason, so I put the song on and listened to it with "new ears" for the first time. Now it's one of my favorites.

I pretty much rediscovered the early Sergio Mendes and Herb Alpert albums when I started reading about them here on the Corner. Up until then, I was mostly a fan of the late '60s/early '70s albums.
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