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Update: Next Juan Oskar CD

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¡Hola amigos! I just had a great 3 1/2 hour recording session putting down drum and bass tracks to eleven songs. My next project will be more "jazz" influenced but still Latin. Most of the tunes are originals but I still am working on some covers. "The In Crowd" is one and Mr. Alpert's "Slick" is another. I've always thought that "Slick" was an under rated tune. The drummer, Jim Nelson is from the same LA crowd as Nick Ceroli and Hal Blaine. He used to do a lot of the TV shows in the 70's and 80's like "Sunny and Cher". He definintly has the Ceroli feel. I'm still awhile away from a finished product but I'll keep The Corner informed and maybe send out some rough mixes on cassettes for evaluation.:cool: My "Baile Buffet" price on amazon.com will be dropping to $5.99 but if someone from The Corner emails me from in the U.S.A. I'll give them a smoking deal. :wink: Peace...hasta luego...Jay

I've been waiting, with great anticipation, for your next c-d. Glad to hear it's more jazz influenced. I agree with you that "Slick" was highly under rated. There is pretty song on BOTB..."A Beautiful Friend". I'm excited about the jazz influence and now I'm really hungry to hear the drummer, Jim Nelson. When you said he is part of the Ceroli-Blaine L-A circle, that is enough for me. As you well know, I'm a die hard fan of Nick Ceroli. I learned to play drums (amateur) by listening to Nick on albums. He had a unique feel and sound. Count me in for your new c-d. I've love to have one. This one, I gotta hear!

I wish you the best in the mix down. Do it justice my friend.

Hi Tom! Thanks for writing. Instead of printing out another batch of "Baile Buffet" CDzzzz I'll be putting 3 or 4 of some of the most "popular" :confused: songs on the next CD. The working title is "Jazz, Pizazz y Latino". Later...Jay
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