• Our Album of the Week features will return next week.

🔊 Audio Qobuz: Pricing and Packages

Good news for anyone considering Qobuz--they've had a price change, and their plans are even more affordable now. A pleasant bit of news this morning! My subscription renews in November, but I may decide to bump up to a family plan, or the Sublime, as I have a backlog of downloads to purchase.

Individual plans:
  • Studio Premier Annual (streaming up to 24-bit, 192kHz): $10.83/month, billed annually at $129.99
  • Studio Premier Monthly: $12.99/month
  • Studio Sublime Annual (streaming to 24/192, up to 50% discount on hi-res purchases*): $15.00/month, billed annually at $179.99
Family plans (up to six household users):
  • Studio Premier Family Annual (streaming to 24/192): $16.67/month, billed $199.99 annually
  • Studio Premier Family Monthly: $19.99/month
  • Studio Sublime Family Annual (streaming to 24/192, up to 50% discount on hi-res purchases*): $29.17/month, billed $349.99 annually
* Both Sublime packages include a discount for as much as 50% off of high-res downloads. One neat thing with Sublime is that the discounted high-res downloads are often less expensive than the CD-resolution version.

Plans: Enjoy unlimited music streaming with Qobuz- 1 month free.

Also, you can purchase downloads from Qobuz without having a streaming subscription. Prices are on par or slightly less than physical CDs, and in some instances you can purchase individual tracks. You can download in resolutions from 192-bit/24kHz lossless all the way down to 128kbs MP3/WMA/AAC, and your lossless files can be downloaded in whichever file format you choose. (Higher resolutions will appear in the drop-down list if available.)


One distinction to Qobuz vs. some of the high-res retailers (like HD Tracks) is that you can re-download your purchases at any time--there is no time limit.

Questions or comments? Leave 'em below. 👇
Apologies--I just heard about this last week and forgot to mention it here! 🤦‍♂️ On top of it, I was in such a rush at AXPONA that I forgot to look for David Solomonn of Qobuz, as I had a few questions I wanted to ask him.

I'm glad that Qobuz was finally able to negotiate terms to open up shop in Canada. If their library seems as though it's missing a few things, give them some time. Each new country Qobuz enters needs a completely new set of negotiations with each label and each distributor. I have to say that after having Qobuz for a few years now, it's rare I can't find something I'm looking for (unless it was a Japan-only release, or an obscurity).

One thing I noticed about pricing is that Qobuz is keeping the Canadian price on par with the US for now. We've already had a price drop, and I've been paying for the Sublime (vs. Studio) account level for the same price I was paying for Studio when it first came out. The only advantage to Sublime is if you purchase a lot of high-res downloads, as those are discounted up to 50% off. They also have expanded their plans so they now have single, duo (two person) and family (six person) plans.

Qobuz pretty much dominated AXPONA this year, and they were a sponsor as well. In the past, they were split between Qobuz and Tidal in the demo rooms. With Tidal later shifting to MQA-only and stopping their lossless streaming for a while, and now the reorganization (bankruptcy) proceedings, it's only a matter of time. Tidal has been switching back to FLAC, but they still don't offer high-res.

Enjoy, @Murray! And thanks again for the link and the update!
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