• Our Album of the Week features will return next week.

I'm getting a kick out of 1st time YouTube videos

I don't see the point, really, of watching somebody just listening to a pair of headphones..... the more entertaining videos are the ones where they play things like Led Zeppelin, the Who or Metallica and a group of young kids react to them. Kids are honest.
There seems to be a trend of young adults and teens listening to the Carps for the 1st and reacting to them. They are just great videos and give me hope for the future. What a hoot. Check out Brosreact0151 video on Begun!
I watched this and had quite the hard time understanding these guys... They seemed like they enjoyed it though. Wish I could understand them better.
Love the reactions when the harmony kicks in on several of these videos.
With adults you never know if they’re just doing it for attention/views, that they’ve possibly already heard them. When it’s done with kids you know it’s likely more genuine.
This latest reaction video is another good one. The gentleman has some particularly insightful remarks about 5 minutes into the video about the vocal style and range of Karen and singers like her in comparison to those that sing with a greater range. I love that this trend of reaction videos are bringing more people to appreciate the talents of Karen and Richard.

Last night I experienced an unexpected pleasure of my own in a tangential way to the current discussion...

I picked up a meal at one of my usual haunts and was speaking with the familiar employee who assisted me. This man, in his early 20s, had told me recently that he and his band were going to be performing in a club out of town. So I followed up last night and asked him about his group's recent concert. He showed me a partial video of the band's performance in a hall. It turns out he is the drummer. I suppose you could characterize the song as hip hop/dance. The crowd was energetic and dancing. And he appeared to be a skilled drummer. So here I was, reacting to a video of previously unfamiliar music. But my story takes a turn...

I felt compelled to ask this 20-something man whether he was familiar with Karen, also a drummer. To my sheer delight, he went on and on about what a great drummer as well as singer Karen was. He had viewed videos of her and was suitably impressed. He conveyed an interest, knowledge, and appreciation for Karen's drumming and vocal talents. I'm sure we will pick up the discussion another time. This was, for me, a refreshing and satisfying moment, one I felt inspired to share with you...
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